Oh Crop

Free. But unlock "Plunger Pro" for no chance of 💩.

Emojis. But with photos.

Crop simple shapes

Oh Crop was originally made just for circles. But deciding to use emojis as a mask allows for any simple shape like 🔴, 🟥, and 🔷.

Want something crazy? No worries!

Try out 🐲, 🍤, 🗑, or any other emoji! Some emojis work better for photos than others but give them a shot.

Shortcut Support

Need to automate cropping to a 🔴 or 🚽? It's a a breeze with "Crop Photo" action!

Albums widget

Create an album, select desired emojis and photos, and add the widget to your home screen to see cuteness or silliness all day long.

Unlock "Plunger Pro"

Oh Crop is free but will sometimes crop to a 💩 emoji. This can be toggled off by unlocking "Plunger Pro".

💩 Forecast

Don't want to pay for "Plunger Pro"? Take a look at the 7-day forecast to see when you'll have the best chance of making the emoji you desire!